Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Jane Bown...

Jane Bown, a photographer for the Observer newspaper for 60 years, is well worth investigating further if you like portrait photography. This quintessentially English lady with her sharp eye and unassuming character made a name for herself with her ability to get a great photo in minimum time, fuss and use of film. Apart from the video below there is a lot of information to be found at the Guardian and of course at the Observer. I also highly recommend her latest book titled 'Exposures'.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Whatever you want 2010...

We started the years presentation's with the usual 'Whatever you want' theme and 15 members presented a total of 43 images. Not a bad start to the year if I do say so myself.

As we have suffered a lot with the weather this winter there were a number of 'snowy' images, with this one by Debbie catching the presidents eye due to its composition and great usage of depth of field.

There was a fair variety of images presented as you may imagine, and the participation to the presentation itself was lively, with lots of discussion and questions.

As always, you can view all the images over on the gallery pages, where you are encouraged to leave comments on fellow members images, plus an explaination of your own, and don't forget to give a thumbs up to all those that you like.

Next theme is 'Unusual/Extreme perspective', until then... happy shooting !

Monday, 1 March 2010

This months featured photographer...

This months featured photographer originally from Guam, but now living in San Diego, is Kent Mercurio with, amongst many others, his wonderful landscape images very reminiscent of Micheal Kenna and Josef Hoflehner.

A master of the use of film and long exposure with a number of different medium format camera's, spend sometime browsing his Flickr stream or his webpage, it's well worth it.

Previous featured photographers:
February '10 - Midnight-Digital
January '10 - Art Libre
December '09 - Ray maï
November '09 - *6261
October '09 - Vladimir Longauer
September '09 - LJ
August '09 - alex.alexander
July '09 - falsalama
June '09 - micmojo
May '09 - orvaratli
April '09 - ArTeTeTra
March '09 - Tom Hoops
February '09 - Strobist Favourites
January '09 - Tommy Oshima