Thursday, 1 March 2007

Virtual collages...

A few people have asked how I did the collage effect on the Torres Kio image I presented recently.

Basically, you have to choose a spot where you see the entire scene you want to capture. Select a focal length, not so long that you need 200 photos and not too short that you only get 3. Set your camera to manual (if you can) so the exposure doesn't differ between each photo and start clicking away.. but don't change your position and try and move the camera around a bit so the images are not all on the same plane (and don't forget to re-focus as you go along).

Then you need any image manipulation software that allows you to resize, rotate to any angle, and change opacity of your images... and then you basically start overlaying the images on top of each other to build up the complete scene... adjust contrast and saturation to taste and there you have it...

It can be a bit time consuming depending on the amount of images you have and how precisely you want to match them up... but it can make an otherwise touristy shot turn into something a bit move interesting...

There's a tutorial over at Photojojo that describes the technique in detail that you should take a look at, there also other examples that may inspire you further...

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