Thursday, 19 May 2011

Invited Speaker - Carlos Borrego Iglesias (Part II)...

The recent presentation of Carlos Borrego to the club was our first photographer of our 'invited speaker' initiative. The club hopes that this will provide the members with the opportunity to understand and improve their creativity in photography by receiving first hand knowledge from advanced and professional photographers explaining their particular process.

Carlos' presentation was a fantastic mix of presentation of his photographic muse's, the reasoning behind his fascination with abstraction, along with a fun exercise in exhibition preparation and sequencing, topped off with some unusual camera techniques demonstrated with his very own equipment.

I came away from the presentation highly motivated and ever more appreciative of the amount of dedication and passion photographers proportion to their art.

Carlos promised to pass on his list of muse's which you will find below:
That's a lot of homework to get through !

Thanks Carlos, hope to see you again next year !

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